Thursday, July 2, 2009

Actioning your Brilliance Event, San Francisco (June 18 - June 21, 2009)

On June 17th, a group of humanitarians got on an airplane and flew to San Francisco for the Actioning your Brilliance Event. Among the group were Danish Ahmed, Julius Ko, Andre Losinski, Isaac Martens, Elizabeth Greig, Danielle Fortier, Dortmund Mattioli, Andrew Norgate, Tina Packer and myself.

During the event, we saw some amazing speakers including Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith (both from the movie 'The Secret') and we also were entertained by some amazing musicians including Ricky Byars Beckwith, Steve McCarthy (from the Steve Miller Band), Faith Rivera and Paul Hoffman.

During the event, we were educated in humanitarian impact, self empowerment, wealth dynamics and we also got to network with many amazing, like-minded individuals. The amazing thing about events like this is that they tend to attract very heart-centered people who are very in tune with what is happening with our earth. I truly felt blessed for being there and for being able to experience personal growth with people that inspire me.

A big highlight for me at this event was getting to see and meet Chief Arvol Looking Horse and his wife Paula. From the Lakota nation, the Chief and his wife shared a message for the healing of our planet. They also held a sacred native ceremony, on the summer solstice, at a park downtown which is considered a 'sacred site' by the native people. To honor the first nations community of San Francisco, one of their elders spoke and blessed the ceremony. This is customary when a first nations chief enters the land of another first nation.

Overall, I felt a sense of oneness with the HUB community. It felt amazing to be part of a vibrant group of people from Toronto! Everyone seemed to like our Toronto group and said that we were a very energetic bunch. Our mentor, and friend Danish Ahmed also received an award at the event for his impact in Toronto. We all had a great time and I felt happy to be part of this growing humanitarian movement and community!


Here are some pictures from the Native event:

Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Charlie Gay (CEO & Visionary of HUB) and Spryte Loriano (HUB)

Dancers from the Native event, held at a native 'sacred site' (park in San Francisco), for the Summer Solstice.

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