Friday, November 6, 2009

The Women of HOPE Self Empowerment Group

I thought this was beautiful, Courtesy of HUB and Shauna Kane:

Walking into their tiny workshop in Ruai, Kenya, I am filled with amazement, for these women have worked so hard and have come so far. Tie-dye tablecloths hang from the walls and beaded bowls and candle holders cover the small broken table. The women beam with pride in what they have created and what they have overcome to get to this point. We are welcomed with a traditional Maasai song and gather in prayer to bless this group and all that they have made. A week earlier, this workshop was empty - only bare walls and some wobbly benches - Women of HOPE 1but in a week's time, this group had gathered together and worked throughout the night to prepare crafts to sell to the visiting HUB members.

Last year, the HOPE group started with only one member: Helen, a young Maasai woman and the only member to know how to do traditional bead work. Now after a year, Helen has taught all 13 members of this group how to bead, expanding their knowledge and helping them create an income stream where there was once none. As I sit with the group, each woman tells me about her experience since becoming a member of the HOPE Self Empowerment Group; there have been many ups and downs and moments when they wanted to give up, but they have not and I truly believe that this group is ready to thrive. Susan Maina from Craft Link Kenya is now committed to working with these women and the Korogocho women, helping with product development, Women of HOPE 2marketing, and finding further international and local markets. A member of the group, Margaret, tells me "what God has started, nothing can end."

Something greater is happening with these two groups of women and I feel so honored to be able to work with them and witness the change in their lives and the lives of their children. By purchasing crafts from these two groups, you are creating a lasting effect in their lives and empowering them to uplift others in their community and beyond.

From the women of Korogocho and HOPE Group, I want to thank each one of you for supporting them through buying from HUB'S Global Village Marketplace.

Please spread the word and share their message of hope and gratitude.

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