Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Night of Stars and Light in San Francisco

My name is Elizabeth Greig and I'm a Founding Arc Angel of HUB. I joined about a year ago, and my primary motivator was to fund my own humanitarian efforts.

As a facilitator at the Art of Living Foundation, I help others to develop a daily spiritual practice. Through this practice, people have experienced stress reduction, a deeper connection to others, and an improvement in health.

One of my highlights was meeting Dr. Michael Beckwith, the most passionate speaker I've ever seen. What a beautiful soul he is!! The superlatives that exist in the English language cannot adequately describe my feelings of transformation after meeting him and other leaders during this event. What's most memorable is our personal meeting and connection; he recognized me in the line-up for his book-signing!

The night of stars, June 21st, was a magical night, full of "coincidences". We went for a walk on the town, chasing glowing bicycles, filming a homeless man who was gifted "too much" (his words), running into a chorus line of sailors, witnessing an elevator mysteriously invisible to those waiting, and more.... "Oh, What a Night..!" This night will be etched in memory for eternity......

Wandering Adventures in San Francisco

I owned San Francisco last night. With a group of friends, who attended the seminar from the humanitarian organization HUB, we wandered the streets and experienced the adventures of this beautiful city by night. All the wonderful people I met over the last four days were like meteorites coming from outer space onto this planet with a mission.

"Here's 5, here's 5" we said as we were connecting with a homeless man who got dizzy trying to take the bills... and he ended up with 30$ from our crazy humanitarian delegation. It was a fun time indeed and his large smile with a missing tooth was definitely memorable from a happy face :)

- Danielle

Friday, June 26, 2009

The San Francisco experience

From a person who has been to lots of other events where personal development and business development are intermixed, I realized that I have never felt the same level of connection as I did with HUB, from the founders to every person I met.

Humanity Unites Brilliance has something that no other organization on earth has... a sense of deep connection to each other on a more cellular level. Friendship, respect, honor, love... I can go on.

When you talk to another member, you find yourself instantly in the same place that other person is and the energy felt is noticable unlike what I have experienced in other situations that are remotely similar in business or even with friends and acquaintances I have known for years. It is that deep.

To get what I am talking about, it starts with that drive in your gut to want to make an impact in your community and even the world, and then experience it at an event like the one in San Franciso or even just a Wednesday night Igniter. If you want to have an impact, HUB is the place for you.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Angel Hair for Kids

Today, I made a major change to help kids with Cancer. I cut 10 inches off my hair! I'll admit I was a bit nervous as I can't remember the last time I cut it this short. Maybe 10 years ago?

Through a friend, I found out about the Angel Hair for Kids program. This program takes hair donations and uses it to make wigs for children who have lost their hair to cancer or other serious diseases. The wigs are then given for FREE to children from low-income families.

If anyone is interested in doing the same program, you can check out this Foundation at the following website: A Child's Voice Foundation. The rules for donation are also listed on the website as well.

There are also several other wonderful programs for donating hair to cancer, so for anyone interested in doing this, it's good to do some research first to pick the foundation that works the best for you.

As promised, here are the before and after pictures! You'll see that my hair was super long before...



My donation on its way to A Child's Voice Foundation

- Posted by Shyra

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ending World Poverty - HUB Video

For those of you who don't know the organization Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB), it is a global community of like-minded people who are all dedicated to one thing: Ending World Poverty. Now that I caught your attention, here is a short, interesting video. Enjoy! :)

- Posted by Shyra

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Actioning Your Brilliance event in San Francisco - June 17-21, 2009

If you enjoyed the movie 'The Secret' you will love this event! Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith (both from the Secret) are speakers at this 4 day, Humanitarian and Empowerment seminar.

Here is the link for more info: Actioning Your Brilliance Event

Tickets are very reasonably priced. I have 2 free tickets which I am happy to share with anyone who is interested (airfare, hotel and food not included). You can email me for more info at

Hope to see you there!

- Shyra

HUBeAcademy is FREE for everyone in JUNE!

HUBeAcademy is a series of transformational teleconferences. This is available for free for the month of June. You will have access to training in Wisdom, World Impact and Wealth.

Here is the link:

Here are some of the featured speakers:

Madeleine Marentette - Jim Britt - Marcia Wieder - Jordan Goodman
Reverend Keith Cox - Chief Arvol Looking Horse - Jean Houston
Ocean Robbins - Gordon Spowart
...and many, many more!

Call in on Thursdays in June from 7:00pm-10:00pm EST.

To attend any of these teleconferences, use this special number:

Conference room number 575 7764

Please email us if you have any problems or if you have any questions!

- Posted by Shyra