Friday, June 26, 2009

The San Francisco experience

From a person who has been to lots of other events where personal development and business development are intermixed, I realized that I have never felt the same level of connection as I did with HUB, from the founders to every person I met.

Humanity Unites Brilliance has something that no other organization on earth has... a sense of deep connection to each other on a more cellular level. Friendship, respect, honor, love... I can go on.

When you talk to another member, you find yourself instantly in the same place that other person is and the energy felt is noticable unlike what I have experienced in other situations that are remotely similar in business or even with friends and acquaintances I have known for years. It is that deep.

To get what I am talking about, it starts with that drive in your gut to want to make an impact in your community and even the world, and then experience it at an event like the one in San Franciso or even just a Wednesday night Igniter. If you want to have an impact, HUB is the place for you.


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