Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Night of Stars and Light in San Francisco

My name is Elizabeth Greig and I'm a Founding Arc Angel of HUB. I joined about a year ago, and my primary motivator was to fund my own humanitarian efforts.

As a facilitator at the Art of Living Foundation, I help others to develop a daily spiritual practice. Through this practice, people have experienced stress reduction, a deeper connection to others, and an improvement in health.

One of my highlights was meeting Dr. Michael Beckwith, the most passionate speaker I've ever seen. What a beautiful soul he is!! The superlatives that exist in the English language cannot adequately describe my feelings of transformation after meeting him and other leaders during this event. What's most memorable is our personal meeting and connection; he recognized me in the line-up for his book-signing!

The night of stars, June 21st, was a magical night, full of "coincidences". We went for a walk on the town, chasing glowing bicycles, filming a homeless man who was gifted "too much" (his words), running into a chorus line of sailors, witnessing an elevator mysteriously invisible to those waiting, and more.... "Oh, What a Night..!" This night will be etched in memory for eternity......

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